Monday, March 29, 2010

Week 9

Q1: Which tool did you use? Was there any noticeable difference between its results and the results from
the instructions?
Intersect, there seems to be more water (little circles) or more polygons.

Q2: Which tool did you use here? Why?
Erase, because it erased all the camp sites in the conservation areas.

Q3: How many features are in this layer? What is the area of the largest feature? What is the area of the
smallest feature?
6 total, are of the smallest feature was 10552368 sq meters.
I liked this lab it put in perspective how GIS data can be used in a real world application. Although I did have trouble with my arcmap program at home not have all of the overlays, I ended having do redo the whole lab on the remote server.

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