Wednesday, February 24, 2010

week 5

I have to say this weeks stumped me. First of all I had issues with my Adobe program, not allowing me to view the lab. Second, all the maps I could find on Columbia County fl were not showing up in my raster data in arc map. I think this might of been due to the conversion issue. Third, all my hydrography and DEMs were just a small portion of the county and not covering the whole boundary. I did not know if I was supposed to download 10 other DEMs to cover the whole thing or just load one (which is what I did). I attempted to present the data that I thought made the Map most readable, unfortunately due to the availability of the maps I did not include cities, public land or invasive plants. Hopefully for me next week won't be this challenging.
On this map I have the roads listed in black, the evalation is for the city of Columbia. The two hydrography polygon are at 50% transpancy and cover the Big Gum swamp wetland , and the Benton wetlands. The city in the middle of the map is Lake city with a population of about 10,000 this city which is well known for its I-10, I-75 intersection.

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